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About Lift the Lid in Schools 

Australian Rotary Health and our partners at QBD Books know how much reading matters in the development of children’s mental health.  This is why we’ve teamed up to take this important message to our schools and shine a light on Mental Health Month this October.


By getting kids involved we can get the conversation started. Lift the Lid in Schools aims to encourage children to participate in raising much needed funds for mental illness research with the added bonus of encouraging them to take time out and read along the way.



One the biggest challenges facing schools and parents today is the mental wellbeing of our children.


In Australia, each year 1 in 5 people experience a mental illness and one-third of our young people have had an episode of mental illness by the time they are 25 years old. Because of these startling statistics Australian Rotary Health has committed to allocate its funding  to mental health prevention research in young people.  100% of all donated funds from this campaign go to research.


Without research we are unable to find possible cures for mental illness or develop mental health interventions that are accessible, low-cost, and effective for the kids out there needing support. Incredible programs such as Cool Kids and Teen Mental Health First Aid to name but two are making a difference daily to supporting our kids. Australian Rotary Health was integral in funding them from the start. Research has found cures for other illnesses, and with your school’s involvement could help mental illness join that list.

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